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Roberto Lara Chagoyán - Faculty

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

Roberto Lara Chagoyán

National Law Program Director

Campus Santa Fe, School of Social Sciences and Government, Tecnológico de Monterrey.


Law teory
Philosophy of Law
Legal argument
Theory of justice
Constitutional theory



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Roberto Lara Chagoyán has a degree in Law from the University of Guanajuato, a Doctor of Law from the University of Alicante, Spain, and a member of the National System of Researchers (level I).

He has served as Director of Education for the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the State of Guanajuato (2001); as an advisor to the General Council of the IFE (2002-2003); as Secretary of Study and Account assigned to the presentation of Minister José Ramón Cossío Díaz, in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (2004-2015), and as General Director of the Center for Constitutional Studies of that same institution (2015-2019) .

He has collaborated in different academic journals, among which stand out Isonomía (ITAM), Doxa (University of Alicante) and Constitutional Questions (UNAM), and is the author of the books: The concept of sanction in contemporary theory of Law (Fontamara, 2004 ) and Legal Argumentation. Practical Studies (Porrúa, 2011). Mexican constitutionalism in transformation. Advances and setbacks (IECQ, 2020) and Minimum manual of legal Argumentation. The reason in practice (Tirant Lo Blanch, 2021) 

He has been a professor, at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, at different universities in Mexico, such as the Ibero-American University, the UNAM, the ITAM, the University of Guanajuato, the CIDE, the Panamerican University, among others.

He currently works as National Director of the Law Program at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, in Mexico City. where he is also a professor and researcher.

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Education and Training

  • PhD Law, University of Alicante
  • Bachelor in Law, University of Guanajuato