
In our Borregos Sports Center we have sports fields with the necessary measures and care so that you can give a special touch to your sporting events. Adequate spaces with restrooms, grass, synthetic grass and dressing rooms that give a professional touch to your event.
There are different sporting events that can be held within the Borregos Sports Center, thanks to the different configurations, courts and sports spaces that the center has, we can offer these spaces for their realization.
Events considered popular are usually massive sporting events, with high participation and easily becoming media coverage. As are the soccer cups, tournaments of different disciplines, sports camps and others that involve sports.
The sports formats that require little physical demand are in which anyone who practices sports regularly as a hobby can participate. These types of configurations or formats are known, but in turn they have a very extensive list, which implies the need for a differential event organization, planned and executed professionally with the necessary care to make it a successful event.
The types of sporting events suitable to be sponsored by large companies or brands that seek to promote themselves. They must have certain characteristics which the events themselves facilitate the reach, as well as a broad brand positioning. There are interesting variations at the format level depending on the audience we want to reach and the theme chosen for the event depending on the discipline chosen, these are some of the most common examples:
- Summer camps.
- Race with big and small pets.
- Career with benefits for some AC.
- Circuit of sport events with different disciplines.
- Races and Festivals.
- Football tournaments
These sporting events that are carried out with a segmented participation, normally high. These are sports configurations and modalities practiced at a semi-professional level, with a minimum required physical condition. Generally, the participants, at this level, are willing to travel long distances to participate and value the competitive factor positively.
The events considered "big" that we consider can be the object of sponsorship for a brand that seeks a very specific positioning are those that are aimed at a certain specific niche, they can be soccer, running, camps, American football, athletics, among other disciplines. which the Borregos Sports Center meets the necessary spaces to be carried out.
By looking for a long-lasting and easily remembered position, sponsors will welcome your offering them a circuit of several events connected to each other over time. You can take as a reference the rankings, leagues, a roller marathon or a simple racing circuit.
It is very common that we have events of "amateur" categories within the activities that take place in the center, these sporting events of medium participation are focused especially on companies, unions, students, children or recognized local soccer teams. It is characterized by its simplicity when it comes to recruiting participants, given that these groups can be contacted directly. A good example would be a college tournament or league.
These are types of sporting events that we will present to sponsors who want to get closer to a specific group (segmented public) and work on their knowledge and memory of the brand.
It is possible to organize events that are not considered massive within the facilities that we offer at the Borregos Sports Center, these events have a controlled number of participants, this helps to make it easy to connect effectively with those attending the events.
Possibly, you will be able to offer activations of different products and/or services during the event in which the participants can try a product. This is considered a complement to the event, we make it easy to offer the production of content for your social networks thanks to the incredible facilities that the center has. In this case, the ideal is an express tournament or a masterclass, where it is easy to connect with the public in a close way.