B.A. in Biosciences
Navigation, new frontiers
This program serves as a gateway to understanding the intricacies of biomedical sciences and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive transformative change.

Field Of Work
On graduating from B.A. in Biosciencies, you will be able develop career options in fields such as:
- Neurosciences
- Research and Innovation
- Molecular Biology
- Biomedical sciences
- Public health
- Translational medicine
Is this right for you?
If you find passion in research in Medical Sciences and contributing to the wellbeing of humanity, the Bioscience Degree is the right fit for you.
The three stages of the model
Choose your path

- You will open your competency file and add to it throughout your degree program.
- You will learn the foundations of the area of Business.
- You will participate in fundamental and exploration challenges from the area of Business, interacting with peers from different degree programs.
- You will study general education courses, selecting them from a collection.
- You will participate in a challenge that integrates all the competencies to be developed in this phase.
- You will acquire the core competencies of your degree, in other words, those that distinguish it.
- You will participate in more focused challenges to reinforce what you have learned and broaden your basic knowledge.
- You will have the elements to decide whether to deepen your knowledge or diversify and, subsequently, build your specialization plan.
- The Tec Weeks, challenges and overall university experiences will enrich your file.
- You have decided whether to diversify or delve further into your degree, by choosing a concentration, a modality, an internship stay, to mention just a few of your options. The Tec Semester is a flexible-time space to get started.
- You will develop the competencies related to your specialization, increasingly connected to your passions, interests and plans.
- By passing a concentration, you will develop your competencies, and, on graduating, will be a candidate for obtaining a Diploma in that concentration, after meeting the established requirements.
How can you specialize?
Specialize in one of the different concentrations available at the campus of your choice, according to the profile you would like to develop.
Internships allow you to participate in the development of specific projects with companies, organizations, or research groups, in a context of total immersion related to a specialty field. They can be carried out locally, nationally or internationally.
International experiences
Experience life outside Mexico to broaden your horizons and delve into the topics of your interest.
Courses or blocks
Choose the education units that best adapt to your objectives, enabling you to specialize in your specific interests.
Delve into your field of study
- Biologic Mechanisms of the Diseases
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Data Science in Healthcare
- Epidemiology for Public Health Problem Solving
- Functional Genomics and Synthetic Biology
- Learning Experience Innovation and Design Management
Delve into other fields of study
- Conscious Business
- Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Design, Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Families, Sustainability and Transcendence
- Entrepreneurship in Action
- Financial Vision for Decision-Making
- Government and Public Transformation
- Mexican Culture
- Quality of Life and Well-Being
- Social Innovation
*These concentraciones are not the definitive offer and their availability varies by campus.

General education course
Area exploration courses
Introductory block (CHALLENGE)
Area exploration block (CHALLENGE)
Exploration topic (CHALLENGE)
Track integrating block (CHALLENGE)
Disciplinary course
Disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)
Integrating disciplinary block (CHALLENGE)
TEC Semester
Multidisciplinary professional elective (CHALLENGE)
Final integrating block (CHALLENGE)
Segundo Semestral |
Elective Course Humanities and Fine Arts |
Life Cycle: Fertilization and Pregnancy |
Life Cycle: Childhood and Adolescence |
Life Cycle: Adulthood |
Embryology |
Human Reproduction |
Growth and Development |
Emotional and Behavioral Development |
Renal Morphophysiology |
Nervous System |
Tercer Semestral |
Elective Course Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Healthy Environments for the Elderly |
Innovation in Public Health |
Management and Innovation in Health |
Research Methods |
Human Microbiota |
Public Health and Biostatistics |
Blood and Hematopoiesis |
Introduction to Clinical Practice |
Exploration Topic |
Cuarto Semestral |
Elective Course Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
Basic Histopathology |
Immunobiology |
Heritage and Development |
Normal and Pathological Microstructure |
Pathogenic Microbiota |
Medical Genetics |
Quinto Semestral |
Elective Course Ethics and Citizenship |
Bases of the Nervous and Endocrine System |
Pharmacotherapy |
Physical Examination |
Endocrine and Neural Ecosystem |
Bioactive Molecules and Therapeutic Principles |
Physiopathological Processes |
Sexto Semestral |
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders |
Neurological Disorders |
Pathophysiology of Infectious Diseases |
Pharmacology of Antimicrobial Agents |
Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System |
Pathology of Biocontrol and Reproduction Systems |
Physiopathology of the Nervous System |
Pharmacology of Biocontrol and Reproduction Systems |
Multidisciplinary Model of Health Care |
Séptimo Semestral |
Professional Elective I |
Professional Elective II |
Professional Elective III |
Professional Elective IV |
Professional Elective V |
Professional Elective VI |
Octavo Semestral |
Traslational Research Project |
Project Management in Innovative Research |
Biosciences Entrepreneurship |
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