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Breaches of Academic Integrity

Alumnos y profesora aprendiendo sobre faltas a la integridad académica, tec de monterrey
Breaches of Academic Integrity

Types of breaches of academic integrity

Below you can consult the definitions of the types of breaches of academic integrity, along with some examples.

Literature consulted: 

Bretag, T. (2016). (Editora). Handbook of Academic Integrity. doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-098-8 

If you want to download the types of breaches of academic integrity, click hereget_app.

Other Forms of Academic Integrity Violations  

Definition: Any other action that violates the principles of academic integrity (respect, responsibility, trust, honesty, fairness) and has the purpose of obtaining an academic advantage through cheating, lying, or deceiving. 

Example: Arantza asked the career director to change the grade of an activity she had failed due to a breach of academic integrity. 


Faculty, students, and any member of the Tec community who detect a breach of academic integrity can notify it to the Campus Academic Integrity Committee (CIAC) through the ETHOS platform. With is report, the management of breaches of academic integrity begins. 

ETHOS is a unique, safe, and confidential space to report offenses related to our values, code of ethics, human dignity, student conduct and academic integrity. 

You can report at any time through these channels:


Process for managing violations of Academic Integrity

The process for managing breaches of academic integrity consists of an action and support plan followed by the faculty and the Campus Academic Integrity Committees to deal with cases of academic integrity breaches and provide special attention to students who need it.  

To know the process, review the following steps: 

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1. Detect a breach of academic integrity 

2. Assign a failing grade

3. Notify the case to the CIAC 

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4. Receives the notification.

5. Deliberates on the seriousness of the breach of academic integrity.

6. When determined, summons the student to a hearing.

7. Issues the resolution and the possible consequences for the student.

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8. Appeals for the resolution of temporary suspension or permanent withdrawal. 

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If suspension or permanent withdrawal is assigned, the student can make an appeal to the National Academic Integrity Committee (CIAN). 



9. Issues the resolution of the appealed case. 


To download the process for managing academic integrity breaches, click hereget_app.